Brother’s visit
Captain Johan von Nandelstadt was gifted extensive parcels of land in Joutseno by the King…
The wolves came at midnight
Kuurmanpohja in Joutseno had permanent habitation as early as 10,700 years ago. Digs in recent…
Pencils from the sky
On Työsaari island on the east side of Muukonsaari there is a cabin, which today…
Stone like a jewel
In Ylämaa near Lappeenranta, there are wide areas where an exceptionally colourful stone occurs, called…
Ievasvuori rock painting
The Ievasvuori rock paintings in Luumäki were made 7,000-3,500 BCE. More than 120 similar rock…
The state-owned 105.8-hectare Äpätinkangas area lies in the village of Kekäleniemi in the municipal district…